Call Us Today!
Phone: (888) 966-1256

We Help Homeowners Like You!

You will receive personal attention by dealing with a single point of contact with expertise to resolve your most complex challenges. Let us help you develop a payment plan that fits YOUR needs!

Call Us Today At (888) 966-1256


Take Action

At Main Street Asset Solutions, we strive to keep homeowners like you in their homes! But we can’t do it alone. Don’t wait, call us today so we can help you find the best solution for your needs.


Gather Info

Have your basic financial and loan information on hand when you contact us. You’ll need: your mortgage statements, your monthly debt payments, and your income and tax details.


Find A Solution

Help us understand your current situation that is preventing you from making your payment? Why did you fall behind? We can find a solution together.

Keep Your Home

Options to Avoid Foreclosure

We want to help you stay in your home. Don’t let your foreclosure worries keep you up at night, let Main Street Asset Solutions help.

  • Start Immediately. The sooner you call us, the more options you may have available.

  • In many states, your gas an electric companies may be able to get you into an energy savings program to cut expenses.

  • Reduce Spending. Eliminate as many low priority expenses as possible including restaurants, premium cable channels and other entertainment expenses.

  • Remember, you home is your greatest investment, protecting this asset should be your highest priority.

Customized Programs To Fit Your Needs

Main Street Asset Solutions wants you to stay in your home.  We have many programs that will allow you do so.  We will create something just for you!

  • New Payment Terms

  • Discounted Settlement Options

  • Short Sale Assistance

  • Deed In Lieu

  • Temporary Forbearance Agreements

Early Signs of Trouble

At Main Street Asset Solutions, we know there are many unexpected changes to your life circumstances that can be contributing factors to falling behind on your mortgage.

  • Loss of Employment, Reduction of Hours or Pay

  • Major Illness or Injury

  • Divorce or Separation

  • Death of a Spouse or Family Member

  • Significant Increase in Mortgage Payment or Other Expenses

A growing number of families struggle with excessive financial obligations — you are not alone. Don’t be fooled into thinking your credit card problems won’t affect your mortgage.

  • Maxing Out Credit Cards

  • Paying Day-to-Day Expenses on Credit Cards

  • Being Unable to Pay Your Bills on Time

  • Paying Only the Minimum Due on Credit Cards

  • Applying for New Credit Cards After Reaching the Limit on Existing Cards

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you trying to reach me?

Main Street Asset Solutions is now servicing your mortgage.  The previous servicer transferred the loan to us to collect payments and manage correspondence.  

Your loan is owned by someone else, we are just the guy in the middle of the “lender” and you.  You should have received a letter from your old servicer stating the transfer was happening.

How can you help me?

Main Street Asset Solutions prides itself in not being one of the Big Banks.  We really do want to help.  We will look at your CURRENT financial situation to determine a payment plan that works for you now.

I'm behind on my first mortgage too. Can you help?

Absolutely!  We will do our best to work with you and your First Mortgage holder to create a plan that works for everyone.  Call us before the first forecloses!

What is Loan Servicing?

The administration aspect of a loan from the time the proceeds are dispersed until the loan is paid off. This includes sending monthly payment statements and collecting monthly payments, maintaining records of payments and balances, collecting and paying taxes and insurance (and managing escrow and impound funds), remitting funds to the note holder, and following up on delinquencies.

Contact US

Main Street Asset Solutions
PO Box 12220
Reno, NV 89510

Phone: (888) 966-1256
Fax: (775) 546-6099

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